------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artificial Intelligence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------- What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificiality is easier to define: it is w hatever is built by a human. Intelligence is harder to define. One way is to us e criterias that an entity has to fulfill to be considered "intelligent". - having abilities close to a human (anthropomorphism) - using tools - organizing to make war - loving (!) Different researchers use different definitions of AI. SHAPIRO highlights the computational nature of an "intelligent behavior" an d appeals to a common sense view of what constitutes intelligent behavior. RICH wants to make computers do something that, for now, humans to better. GENESERETH-NILSSON studies tersely "intelligent behavior." BENCH-CAPON wants a system that imitates "natural intelligence." Note that these definitions come from 1988. I doubt we have come to a deepe r understanding of intelligence since Antiquity - even regarding artificial bei ngs, which pop out in Greek mythology: Talos, the brazen man, Alkinious and his precious metallic watchdogs, and Hephaistos' automata. In creating a robot that makes human breast milk substitute using water, co w milk, and powdered ingredients, I would create a device that mimics human beh avior but not necessarily INTELLIGENT behavior. Agency ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is intelligent behavior? One way of looking at it is deciding that a c reature that acts (an AGENT) does so within an environment. Hence we already ha ve two elements to put in relation. +---------+ (make note of the implicit boundary | milking | outside between the robot and the outside world; | robot | world this idea of boundary is tricky +---------+ and I will not enter this discussion here) Let's add more elements to our description. The milking robot can interact with her environment: she can - see whenever an (adult) (male) (me) needs milk; - react accordingly (produce and serve milk). +------------+ (make note that the | milking --|---- actions ------> outside milking robot is itself | robot | world part of the outside | <------ sensations ---- world) +------------+ The milking robot should be equipped with sensors to get information from t he environment and actuators to act upon the environment. The schematics can be complexified more and more to account for the details of milk production, serving, and general agency. Keep at it until you've reache d a level of understanding which allows you to understand and predict outcomes. _____ [\ | 0-- ) ^ |)--0 < - - - - need detected - - - ( -_-) ( ) | /\_\|/ ___/ /_ // \ \_/__\___ / /\ / \/ \ / / \m O) O)- - - - - - milk served - - - - > (^_^') / /___ \\___/\___/ ' ' ' \-____\\\//// \\\ ' / / ' ' Sources ------------------------------------------------------'---------------- Memories of reading boobs, I mean books, on AI and robot'cs. ----------------------------------------------------------------'-------------- (c) Ciircuit 2024 - all rights reserved - https://cookbooks.neocities.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------